Electronic Voting and Counting System
eVACS® is a world leader in secure and high integrity election software. eVACS® has been used successfully by the ACT Electoral Commission, the Australian Electoral Commission and The Police Association (Victoria).
eVACS® is:
- Proven system
- Has been extensively tested
- Has been independently audited by software auditing firm, BMM International
- Is transparent with source code publicly available
- Is reliable and secure
eVACS® has the following benefits:
- Allows vision-impaired voters to vote in secret
- Provides instructions in multiple languages
- Eliminates unintentional voter errors
- Reduces the number of informal votes
- Increases the speed and accuracy of election counts
- Reduces the cost of conducting an election
Key features are:
- eVACS® has been implemented to maintain the key features of all parliamentary elections
- eVACS® handles the simplest to the most complex of election systems
- eVACS® allows for rotation of candidates on the ballot
- eVACS® increases accessibility and privacy for vision impaired, and foreign language voters
- Runs on standard PCs or special voting machines with a keypad and barcode reader
- eVACS® source code is available for public scrutiny
- eVACS® has been audited against IEEE Standards
The design process of eVACS® was driven by election official requirements resulting in the following design features:
- Runs on any Linux operating system on standard PC hardware
- Fits seamlessly into the existing IT systems
- Fits seamlessly into the operating and security procedures
- Is transparent through public licensing
- Modular construction matching the election process
- Is reusable across elections
- Is scalable from one to many polling places
- eVACS® assists in the conduct of an election via the following modules:
The Set up module allows an electoral official to specify the election data such as the candidates, parties, electorates, (districts or regions) for an election.
Voting with eVACS® is done with a keypad and barcode reader connected to a standard PC, or voting machine that is connected to an isolated LAN at each Polling Centre. Vision impaired voters use the same equipment but with a larger screen and headphones.
The Data entry module enables paper votes to be either scanned or data entered into the vote database.
The Counting module allows for initial counting of electronic votes and then combined counting of data-entered votes with those cast electronically.
The Internet module supports candidate nominations, voting and announcement of results electronically.
Digital Elections Pty Ltd can show you how eVACS® can save you time and money when implementing an electronic voting system. We can also provide Services such as training to support the system we develop for you.
Download Brochure (PDF 575KB)
Download Technical Datasheet (PDF 3.69MB)
Download Case Study (PDF 171KB)
Software Engineering Practices that Count by Clive Boughton PhD (PDF 119KB)
Credible Election Software – eVACS® by Clive Boughton PhD, and Carol Boughton MSc, FAICD (PDF 407KB)
eVACS® and ACT Legislative Assembly Elections by Software Improvements (PDF 3.54MB)
Democracy and Electronic Voting with eVACS® By Carol Boughton MSc, FAICD (PDF 414KB)
Electronic Voting Best Practices by Michael Bowern (PDF 48.3KB)